Welcome to the Oceanway Tsunamis Swim Team! We’re glad you have decided to swim with us this year. Below is some important information to help make this swim season fun and successful for everyone.

Who can be on the team? Any swimmer 18 years old or younger who can swim the length of the pool (25 yards) unassisted.

Registration Fee: Fees will be as follows:

  • $200 for one swimmer
  • *$190 each for 2 swimmers
  • *$180 each for 3 or more swimmers
  • *$100 each for year-round swimmers
  • *$125 for PRACTICE ONLY swimmers (no meets)
*Swimmers must be immediate family, living in the same household, to receive the discount.

Fees are used to cover team expenses such as swim caps, all River City League registration fees, city fees, team expenses, and coaches. Each swimmer who competes in 2 meets during the season will receive an award at the banquet.

Team Swimsuits: While not a requirement, it is highly encouraged that each team member purchase and wear the selected team suit. Fitting for suits will be held at registration.

Volunteers: Swimming is a family sport.  Our team cannot function without your help, so we ask that everyone do their part. Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 3 times per swimmer throughout the regular season.  Volunteer shifts will be assigned by our volunteer coordinator at registration.  It is your responsibility to let her know IN ADVANCE if and when you have a conflict.  In the event that you choose to opt out of the regular swim season volunteer hours, a buy-out option is available for $100 per childAlso, each family is REQUIRED to volunteer at least once per child at championships (opt out not available).  

Starters and Stroke & Turn Officials: There are some “Officials Clinics” being offered before the season which you must complete if you would like to volunteer as a stroke and turn official. Or, if you would like to be involved in the computer entry side of swim meets, there is a training course available for this too. Please contact a representative for more information. Being an official is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the rules of swimming, plus it gets you the best view on the deck.

Clean Up: At the end of each practice or meet, we need everyone to please help clean up, straighten chairs, etc.

River City Info: can be found at www.rscl.org